Monday, July 9, 2012

Ski Vacations in July!

Yes, it's that time of year again.  Temperatures across North America are in the 80s and 90s.  Girls in mini skirts ... guys in shorts.  Flip flops, cookouts and watermelon.  It's summer time.  And you know what that means...

It's time to start booking ski vacations!

Why don't roofers advertise when it's snowing?
Many businesses are seasonal in nature. Swimming pool installation, home remodeling, and beach resorts are just a few examples.  Most of these seasonal enterprises spend the majority of their advertising dollars during the high season, which is entirely reasonable.  After all, the time to sell new roofs is during the summer, when the weather is good and putting them up is easy.  So, we don't hear a lot of roof installers advertising in December, just like ski resorts don't advertise in July.

But maybe they should.  

One of the hazards of seasonal-based advertising is the tendency for customers to forget you during the off season.  After hitting them with your message all season long, suddenly your advertising disappears.  Customers forget you.  And when it's time to start your next high-season ad campaign, it's just a little bit less effective, because you have to re-educate the consumers all over again:  Who are you?  What do you do?  Why buy from you?  After all, your customers have had six months, and maybe longer, to forget you!

That's why off-season advertising should be part of your marketing mix.  Odds are good that yours will be the only swimming pool company that's advertising in January.  As a result, you'll have the market to yourself.  Second, you'll continue to build important brand awareness throughout the off season; customers won't forget you.  Third, it can save you money if your off season coincides with the media's off-season: There's plenty of discounted ad inventory available in January after the holiday ad rush is done. 

And finally -- this is a big one -- you might just be lucky enough to generate some cash flow when you need it most. 

Next time in BullShots! we'll talk about some possible off-season campaign ideas for TV, radio, and the net.  Meanwhile, answer this question for me:  If I book my ski vacation now -- in July -- how much will you save me? 

Off-season advertising is easy with Brown Cow Studios!
On the web, TV or radio, we've got great ideas to keep you first in your customers' minds.
To learn more, get in touch with us at (617) 230-4019, or send Fred Pagano an e-mail message

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BullShots! is written by Fred Pagano, and is published by Brown Cow Studios of Boston.

Your host is Brownie T. Cow, our beloved mascot (that's her on the right).

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