Monday, June 25, 2012

Match Your Style to Your Industry!

The other day I saw a freelance job posting online.  The poster wanted someone to produce a video to promote his business.  As an example of what he wanted, he cited the cartoon style that has made popular.  So far, it sounds great.  Those Epipheo cartoons are quite entertaining. 

But there’s a problem:  The man seeking the video is a lawyer.  One who represents businesses before the state licensing commission. 

Is this appropriate? 

I don’t think so.  Using a cartoon to advertise a law firm undermines everything that a law firm stands for:  credibility, reliability, authority, and trustworthiness. 

Perhaps if the lawyer represented clients involved in animal welfare – veterinarians or pet shops perhaps -- a cartoon style ad might work.  But for one representing business interests with tens of thousands, perhaps millions of dollars at stake?  No way.  These are serious clients, with serious amounts of money at risk.  They need a lawyer who’s serious too. 

The point is that you must match the style of your advertising – whether radio, TV, print or on the web – with the style of your business.  Live action would be a much better choice for the lawyer.  Or a question and answer interview format.  Anything as long as it shows us, as potential clients, that he knows what he’s doing.

I’ll say it again:  Match the style of your ads to your industry.

Bullshots is published by Brown Cow Studios of Boston.
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BullShots! is written by Fred Pagano, and is published by Brown Cow Studios of Boston.

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